Case Studies

$0 - $1M/yr DTC Company

This Client was unfortunately like many that have worked with a previous agency that promised the moon but showed very little return for those promises.

This company now serves international markets as we helped scale them into a million dollar company, with a mission to serve more customers and become a leader in their niche.

400+ Leads @ $26 a Lead

This Client had many previous marketing companies and expenditures that were not profitable for his business.

Although they've been burned, he was willing to take a chance with our unique process for their audiences.

Over about a year, this client has snowballed, hiring more staff and opening another location because of high volume opportunities filling up their pipeline.

150+ Leads in One Month

The client has a High Life Time Value for their customers ($3000-5000) but didn't want to burn their budget acquiring new business.

We crafted a campaign around their community, understanding their specialties and developing an attractive offer for cold customers.

Even with algorithmic changes out of our control in 2021, this campaign has proven to be robust for our client, generating a consistent flow of customers to close and expand their services to.

$229,000+ Spent with


This Client ran Facebook ads previous to our Google Ads campaign launch, struggling to see any success with Google.

They spent roughly $9000 without any returns to show.

I diagnosed their campaign types, keywords, and structure, finding many issues that could've saved them $1000's to begin with.

After 30 days, we set a new trajectory for the business and their Google Ad efforts, spending hundreds of thousands and returning at least twice that month after month.

1800+ Leads with $12,000 Average LTV

This Client was looking to push its marketing strategy to the next level and bring recognition to its brand in multiple states and millions of people.

We began with a very steady strategy that would allow us to show up in front of many new prospects and do it with purpose, warm them up with incentives, and draw the curiosity to click through and convert.

This company has been able to expand its reach in even more states and continues to set standards for good communication and follow-up practices with its new prospects, all the way to the close (7-10% close rate on 10K+ LTV Customers)

330+ Leads in 1 Month

The client has a High Life Time Value for their customers but didn't want to burn their budget acquiring new business.

We crafted a campaign around their community, understanding their specialties and developing an attractive offer for cold customers.

Even with algorithmic changes out of our control in 2021, this campaign has proven to be robust for our client, generating a consistent flow of customers to close and expand their services to.

Opened 2nd & 3rd Location

The client was looking for long-term and consistent customers for their business.

We began by Identifying their current and previous customers, understanding what made them different from other local competition crafting an attractive offer that made financial sense and allowed scalability.

A Year later, they're receiving consistent traffic from multiple sources and opening their 3rd location.

$957,000+ Spent with


This Client tried running ads themselves.

Trying strategies from Youtube, asking Facebook Groups, and Running around while budget was burning day by day.

The main issue: The information they learned wasn't framed and for their audience.

I came in, first learning more about their audience and business, crafting a strategy before launching any new ads.

Over a year later, and we've scaled this account from spending roughly $500 a day to over $6000 a day profitably.

3X ROAS for New Business Launching Google

This Client hasn't ran any ads prior to this launch.
No initial data or strategy, just the trust to follow our process.

Within 30 Days, we developed a strategy and launched Google ads for this new brand, resulting in a 2 and 3X ROAS.within first month.

This momentum continued, allowing us to push more budget and sustain a consistent 2X+ longterm.

197 Purchases in First Month

The client was looking for help launching a brand new product for his brand with a new online store.

Our strategy led to a lot of competitive research, understanding his customer's language, interests, and how to grab their attention.

We then build a top-to-bottom funnel explaining the benefits of this client's product.

Within 60 days, we took a modest budget and made it profitable for this client at a 2.0+ ROAS, including multiple conversions and upsells that the ads manager did not track.

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